
My name is Kris. I am a Balanced Body certified Pilates instructor. I started my Pilates practice in 2014 and have been hooked ever since. Prior to becoming hooked on Pilates, I had never prioritized fitness or health. My lack of attention to fitness and health landed me in the hospital with a rare disease that LITERALLY only one in a million people are ever diagnosed with.

The disease I was diagnosed with is called Lemierre’s syndrome. And according to the doctors there is no rhyme or reason why I got it. My best guess is that I was so warn out from going to school and working full-time that my immune system was so compromised, it made me an easy target.

After almost a year of being in and out of the hospital I knew it was time to make a change. I had been wanting to give Pilates a chance, but never had time. So I made a commitment to myself that I would sign up for the introductory offer at RTR Pilates, take as many classes as I could in a month and see how I felt after a month.

After my introductory offer was over, I felt like a new person. I know that might sounds like an exaggeration but it’s true. Forcing myself to commit to Pilates for a month also forced me to start making better choices with food. Because in case you didn’t know, doing a Pilates class is SO MUCH HARDER when you are eating McDonalds the night before. Yes, McDonalds, don’t judge me. I also started realizing that I needed to get to bed earlier which meant I couldn’t go out for drinks with my restaurant co-workers when I knew I has signed up for a Pilates class the next morning.

Over time these small lifestyle changes became a way of life. A way of life I needed to maintain in order to feel happy and healthy. Keeping up with my Pilates practice gave me structure, drive, and a new perspective of myself and of my life.

I teach Pilates because it changed my life for the better and I want to be able to share that with you.

This platform was created by me with YOU in mind. It is here to give you a space to be alone, to block out the distractions of the outside world, and ultimately to help keep your body and mind strong.

Most importantly I want you to know that I am here for you every step of our Pilates journey together. If you have questions with anything, want to talk about more ways to modify, or just need to vent. Im here for ALL of it. So please don’t ever hesitate to reach out.




  • Attention to form

    Whether you are doing a 1-1 class or an on demand class with me. Attention to form is not only how I keep you safe, but its how I get you strong.

  • Options to modify

    No body is the same, so no body should be expected to do the same things. I provide detailed modifications for you to be able to make safe adjustments to meet your body where it is today.

  • tough love

    My classes are intended to be challenging. it is my goal to push you outside your comfort zone. To help you not only achieve your goals, but to surpass those goals.